Friday, April 23, 2010

In my portfolio, I'm going to be using my McCandless essay, my personal analysis, and my research paper. The weakest paper right now I think is my Research paper and my McCandless essay. I'm really good at knowing what I want to say but sometimes I have hard time bringing it across as I want. With research papers, I also have a hard time knowing how to make it interesting and focused without repeating myslef over and over again. I have a hard time finding the ability to make a research paper come across as interesting so that other would want to read it. With my McCandless essay the weakest part is in the sources. I need to find better sources that engage attention of the reader and make them want to finish reading the essay. I need to find better sources that prove what im trying to argue. My strongest paper I believe is my personal analysis. Even though I need to add parts to the story that show more instead of just telling, my analysis paper was the easiest paper to write. In this paper, you are essentially the source because you experienced these things in your life and then you also have a real live person that people have seen and heard of which also gives a better chance for people to understand and relate to your essay