Thursday, February 11, 2010

I think that in a sense it would be nice to have someone who cared about your well being especially if I was on the odds with my parents. My parents and I are very much alike and we are all stubborn and like to be right. Because of this alikeness, my parents and I sometimes clash on things especially when its things about my life in general. My best friend's mom is in a sense my second mom and its nice when I can go and talk to her about issues I have with my family and I know that she wont judge me but give me good advice because she cares about me. So having someone care about me would be nice ; however, I do not think that I would want them to necessarily adopt me. My family is my family regardless and I would not want to change that. I think Chris McCandless did not want to let anyone adopt him or take care of him because he seemed to have a somewhat fear of emotional entanglement. He did not want to care about people because of issues that he had with his own personal issues. Until he dealt with these issues, I dont think that anything could have kept him from going to Alaska. He seemed to think that an adventure into the cold Alaskan wilderness would help fix things but Chris needed to find a different way of dealing with his problems.

1 comment:

  1. It's always good to have someone there to love and care for you! Especially after Chris McCandless left his family and has had no love in his life for awhile now. But i definitely agree with you saying your family is your family. You cannot just pick and choose who you want your family to be. I have many people that love me who have not adopted me and there is still a strong relationship there. Overall, I agree!
